Our Mission

The Financial Planning Association feels strongly about its members giving back to the communities in which we live. FPA’s Pro Bono mission is to connect underserved and at-risk communities with pro bono financial planners to help create a world in which every individual and family has access to the transformative power of financial planning.  The FPA of Charlotte is focusing its Pro Bono activities to provide financial consultations for North Carolina teachers who are teaching financial literacy in the classroom.

Why join the Pro Bono Committee?

Volunteering as an FPA Pro Bono Committee member is a great way for financial planners to give back to their communities. It’s also a great way to help our profession. Pro bono activities increase public awareness of financial planning, build bridges with community leaders, strengthen a chapter’s esprit de corps and attract new members. It also helps individual planners develop their own planning knowledge and skills.

If you are interested in joining the Committee, please send an email to nbailey@onefpa.org.

Pro Bono Planning

Pro Bono Advisor Training and Support

Learn more about our volunteer members and how to join the committee and get trained.
Get Involved

Pro Bono Programs and Activities

FPA of Charlotte is providing financial consultations to North Carolina teachers who are teaching financial literacy in the classroom.
Learn More
shaking hands during meeting

Pro Bono Partner Organizations

We are proud to partner with North Carolina Council on Economic Education (NCCEE) to help teachers across the state.
Learn more