Present and Publish

Publication Opportunities
FPA's family of publications delivers timely and actionable content that helps you advance in your career.

Contribute to FPA's Journal
From peer-reviewed research to actionable practice management content, all FPA publications are powered by FPA members. Add your voice to this impressive body of knowledge.

Join the Journal's Editorial or Peer Review Board
Join the Journal's Editorial or Peer Review Board
Speak at the Annual Conference
FPA hosts one of the largest financial planning conferences in the world, attracting CFP® professionals and financial planning thought leaders from across the globe.

Present Your Research
Apply for a 15-minute lightning talk at the FPA Annual Conference. These standing-room-only sessions help planners and academics learn what topics are at the forefront of financial planning research, and provide you with valuable input.

Apply As a Speaker
Share your expertise to a packed room of your colleagues from across the globe. From keynote speakers to general and breakout sessions, there are a host of opportunities.