A shared vision for the future of the association.
FPA is a vibrant association with more than 2,000 passionate volunteer leaders working to deliver value to members while shaping the financial planning profession in the spirit of our Primary Aim: To elevate the profession that transforms lives through the power of financial planning.
While FPA offers a robust set of services and programs nationally and through our network of chapters, there are landscape issues that FPA must proactively address to ensure it is firmly positioned for current and future generations of financial planners. The reality is that the landscape has changed so much in recent years that FPA has to change with it.
A technology-driven economy, competition from the non-profit and for-profit sectors, and the rapidly changing demographics of potential members—not to mention the increased business diversity of our membership base—are critical issues that FPA, and all voluntary membership associations, must address.
The OneFPA Network is a complete reorganization of the entire FPA enterprise that allows all critical functional areas to work more closely together while simultaneously institutionalizing a process to include more chapter leader input into the strategic direction-setting of FPA. Given the landscape issues we face, we believe this a worthwhile and necessary endeavor.