Learn about the assessment process and access the available reports.
The OneFPA beta test is being overseen by the OneFPA Transition Task Force in coordination with several committees that are directing the different areas of centralized functionality. Throughout the process, periodic reports are being developed to capture progress and ensure measurement is taking place. An end of the year report for 2020 is available below that summarizes progress made on cultural improvements, technology adoption, and service and support.
Each quarter in 2021, a new assessment report will be published the continues to report on these key areas, but also accounts for progress made in several other areas, including member recruitment/retention, program impact, financial impact, volunteer impact, and more. Upcoming assessment reports will be made available based on the following schedule:
- Q1 2021: End of April 2021
- Q2 2021: End of July 2021
- Q3 2021: End of October 2021
- Q4 2021: End of January 2022