Mastering Emotional Client Conversations as a Financial Planner

Money is more than just numbers, and understanding its significance in clients’ lives is key to building enduring relationships

Journal of Financial Planning: November 2023


Jennifer Gray ( is a mental health therapist and expert coach helping financial professionals develop bold confidence and powerful money mindsets. With 20 years of education and experience in business and behavior, she deeply understands the complexities of struggling with self-doubt, burnout, perfectionism, and limiting money beliefs as an entrepreneur. When she isn’t excitedly empowering others to build the business and life they dream about, you can catch her in the Pacific Northwest soaking up nature, traveling, laughing, learning, and dancing with her partner and pets.

As a financial professional, you know the challenges of navigating the intricate world of investments, taxes, and retirement plans. But there’s an underlying aspect beyond the numbers—the emotional side of money! Our relationship with money has evolved to hold more significance than mere figures; it is deeply personal, reflecting our identities, fears, aspirations, values, perception of success, and self-worth. It is easy to see why money can feel so sensitive.

As a planner, it’s your responsibility to guide your clients through this sensitive financial landscape with information, empathy, reassurance, and confidence. You are the bridge that connects complex planning to a client’s real-life circumstances, and this can serve to build trust, understanding, and lasting relationships if done properly. Financial conversations require a delicate balance of knowledge, psychological understanding, and emotional intelligence to be effective. These sensitive discussions may be difficult, but they are also crucial to successful client relationships and a thriving business.

In this comprehensive article, I will share five detailed steps deeply rooted in psychological principles that will help you master delicate conversations with confidence. The following steps can transform challenging money discussions from a source of stress to an opportunity for connection, mutual growth, and enduring client relationships.

1. Cultivate Trust Through Authenticity

Authenticity means being true to oneself and aligning your actions and values. It is about showing your clients that you understand their fears, anxieties, and aspirations because you’ve walked that path yourself. Your authenticity creates an atmosphere of reassurance, enabling your clients to engage with you as more than just a financial planner. They will see you as someone who genuinely cares about their well-being and is committed to guiding them through their financial journey.

But how does authenticity translate into emotional client conversations? When you lead authentically, you provide a safe space for your clients to do the same. Authentic conversations foster an emotionally supportive environment, encouraging clients to express their concerns and fears openly. These conversations can transform their limiting money mindset into a more productive dialogue, leading to constructive discussions about wealth and financial security. Authenticity also fosters a positive shift in your mindset. By reconciling your professional role with your authentic self, you can develop more confidence in your abilities as a financial planner.

Imagine acknowledging to a client that you lack answers, being willing to seek information or advice, and still maintaining your professional confidence. This can be a reality when you embrace the transparency of authenticity. In demonstrating that you are knowledgeable, reliable, honest, and trustworthy; you more effectively address your clients’ concerns, strengthen the relationship, and reinforce your sense of capability.

Cultivating trust through authenticity is a transformative process. It involves shedding layers of self-doubt so you can embrace your unique journey. It’s about harnessing who you are to build deeper, meaningful client relationships, setting the stage for more effective, emotionally attuned conversations. While the pressures of people-pleasing and imposter syndrome can make it difficult to remain authentic, this approach helps alleviate the chronic overload and burnout that often come from striving to maintain an unsustainable image of perfection. Lean into your true self with your clients and watch as your advisory practice thrives on the solid foundation of trust you have built.

Try this today: The journey toward cultivating trust begins with introspection. Ask yourself the fundamental questions about your communication strategies. What tone, language, and messages are you conveying? Do they align with your authentic self? Are you being transparent enough? Share your financial journey, interests, and understanding of economic challenges with your clients and colleagues. Let people see that beyond the polished exterior, you’re a human guiding others through their financial journey. Find a balance between professionalism and your unique personality. You can also use this strategy in your marketing to attract new ideal clients that bring in revenue and fulfill your soul.

2. Show Compassion Through Empathetic Listening

Empathetic listening involves genuinely hearing and understanding your clients’ concerns. It’s about being fully present in the conversation and showing compassion without judgment or preconceived notions. It encourages your clients to speak freely about their financial anxieties, enabling them to examine those fears more closely with you, their trusted professional.

As a financial planner, empathetic listening helps you to recognize and understand the emotional significance and underlying factors that drive your clients’ financial decisions. This insight into their values, motivations, and fears enables you to provide personalized advice that aligns with their emotional needs and financial goals. Moreover, empathetic listening can significantly ease emotionally charged financial discussions. It provides an outlet for your clients’ pent-up feelings, validating their emotions and making them feel heard and understood. This compassionate approach can alleviate everyone’s stress, paving the way for more effective and meaningful financial discussions.

Additionally, if you notice that the stress of financial matters is impacting your clients’ daily lives, encourage them to seek therapeutic counseling support. Suggest that they consider working with a licensed mental health counselor specializing in financial stress, where they can explore their emotions further, develop coping strategies, and gain a healthier perspective on their financial challenges. By encouraging clients to prioritize their mental health, you show a genuine commitment to their overall well-being and reinforce the importance of seeking professional help when needed.

Practicing compassion through empathetic listening enhances the effectiveness and impact of your financial advising, leading to more meaningful and successful outcomes for your clients. It’s a profound shift from transactional advising to a relationship-centered practice.

Try this today: Practice being fully present in your client interactions. Prioritize empathetic listening in your next client meeting, setting aside distractions and focusing solely on your client. Make a conscious effort to understand their words and underlying emotions. Use non-verbal cues, like nodding and eye contact, to demonstrate your engagement. Ask follow-up questions. Paraphrase their statements to ensure you’ve understood correctly, for example, “So, what I’m hearing is that you’re concerned about . . .” This practice fosters an environment where clients feel heard and understood, nurturing a relationship built on trust and empathy.

3. Empower Through Education

As a financial planner, you give clients the tools they need to make informed and confident decisions about their journey. To bridge the gap between their understanding and the intricacies of finance, you must translate complex financial concepts and details of financial products into simple, accessible language that they can relate to their lives. Demystify the world of finance by breaking down the barriers that may intimidate or overwhelm them. This will allow clients to participate more actively in discussions, ask insightful questions, and feel calmer and more confident in sticking to the long-term plan during market turbulence. A knowledgeable client is an empowered client.

Beyond financial literacy, empowering through education also includes helping clients understand their emotional relationship with money. By sharing insights about how emotions, beliefs, and behaviors can impact financial decisions, you are equipping clients to recognize their patterns. Open exploration can serve as a catalyst for transformational money discussions and growth for you and your clients.

Empowering clients through education is about imparting financial knowledge and fostering self-understanding, autonomy, and confidence. When clients see that you genuinely care about their understanding and empowerment, they develop a deeper trust in your expertise and guidance. They recognize that you have their best interests in mind and are committed to their financial success.

Try this today: Evaluate your communication methods to ensure you are breaking down complex financial concepts into understandable pieces. Practice avoiding unnecessary jargon and explaining any necessary terms clearly with a trusted friend who does not work in finance so you can receive helpful feedback. Embrace creativity by developing easy-to-understand resources like infographics, email series, blog posts, or short videos to educate your clients. These resources can be used during meetings and as part of your marketing strategy. Remember, education empowers clients, who are more likely to trust and value your advice.

4. Embody Calm in the Face of Chaos

Given the daunting complexity of financial planning and significant life changes, the tumultuous nature of financial markets, and the emotional story a client creates about their financial situation, it’s paramount for advisers to be the serenity in a stormy world.

Clients looking to you during these moments seek more than just strategic advice. They’re wanting reassurance, stability, and calm to help them navigate the storm. Your demeanor, attitude, and non-verbal cues can significantly influence the atmosphere of these sensitive discussions. Importantly, embodying calmness does not involve downplaying the realities of the situation. It is about demonstrating a grounded understanding of those realities while conveying a composed and measured approach to handling them. By remaining serene, you’re silently communicating a powerful message: “I am here with you, and together, we’ll get through this.” Show your client that you have weathered similar storms and are equipped with the knowledge and experience to navigate them this time.

Your clients are likely to mirror your state. Your model for calm and confidence can create a productive environment for meaningful conversations and encourage your clients to make thoughtful choices. It can build their confidence in you as their adviser. Your client will remember the person who helped them stay steady amidst the chaos, strengthening their trust in you.

Embodying calm in the face of chaos is not simply about managing your outward reactions. It’s also about cultivating genuine inner peace and resilience, deeply grounded in your expertise and authenticity.

Try this today: To embody calm, prioritize daily stress management techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness. These practices help you maintain composure when engaging with clients. Remember, it’s not just about what you say but also how you say it and the emotional tone you set. Consider seeking a licensed mental health counselor or coach if you struggle to practice authenticity, compassion, effective communication, or calming techniques. These professional resources can provide valuable support and guidance in managing stress, changing long-term patterns, and enhancing emotional well-being. You can also deepen your understanding of your emotions and biases around money, enabling you to approach conversations with clients with greater self-awareness and empathy. Seeking assistance shows strength and commitment to growing and improving your client interactions. It is a proactive step toward becoming the best version of yourself as a financial planner.

5. Deliver Difficult News Gracefully

Only some financial conversations will be positive, and as an adviser, you will occasionally need to relay difficult information. How you handle these moments can significantly impact your clients’ trust. When breaking difficult news, it’s important to remember that the information could alter a client’s financial outlook and life plans. Therefore, handling these conversations with sensitivity and empathy is critical. Your understanding and thoughtful delivery can mitigate the added emotional distress.

Remembering a few things for an effective and graceful delivery is essential. First, come prepared for the conversation. This means making sure you fully understand the situation, can explain it in simple terms, and have potential solutions or next steps ready. Show your client you’re proactive and committed to navigating challenging situations. Second, ensure the environment is appropriate, private, and comfortable. Always start the conversation with a genuine check-in, indicating your care for their well-being and signaling a human connection beyond finances. Third, temper honesty and directness with tact and empathy, and avoid overly technical language that could confuse or further distress your client. Show compassion by acknowledging their feelings and validating their concerns, maintaining an open and compassionate dialogue. Reassure your client by highlighting your continuous support and the proactive steps you’re taking to mitigate the situation. Emphasize that this setback is a part of the financial journey, and remind them of their resilience in previous challenges. Lastly, after delivering the news, give your client space to process. They may need time to absorb the information, form questions, or decide on the next steps.

Graceful communication does not mean sugarcoating reality. It involves delivering the truth in a considerate and constructive manner. By gracefully delivering difficult news, you demonstrate professionalism, empathy, and dedication to your clients’ financial well-being. It emphasizes that you are not just their financial planner but a supportive companion in their financial journey, ready to guide them through triumphs and trials with compassion and expertise. These conversations, though challenging, present an opportunity to strengthen relationships and foster trust.

Try this today: When delivering difficult news, use the “sandwich approach.” Start with something positive (the first slice of bread), then deliver the difficult news (the filling), and end with another positive note or a proactive plan (the second slice of bread). Communicate the issue and emphasize the next steps and potential solutions. Practice delivering difficult news with a colleague or mentor for feedback. With practice, you’ll master these skills in a manner that upholds trust and keeps your client motivated.

Putting it into Practice

Mastering the art of financial conversations is a multifaceted endeavor that requires skill, empathy, and an understanding of human emotions. It goes beyond analyzing numbers; it involves recognizing the personal significance of each client’s financial journey. By fostering trust, demonstrating compassion, empowering through education, maintaining calm, and gracefully handling challenging situations, you elevate your communication skills and create meaningful connections with your clients. You become more than just a financial planner; you become a trusted guide and ally in their financial endeavors. Embrace your power and recognize the importance of investing in and tending to your personal and professional needs. By nurturing your growth and seeking support when needed, you will be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of financial conversations with confidence, authenticity, and compassion. 

Psychology of Financial Planning