Online registration is now closed. At the door registrations will be accepted.
$45 FPA Members / $70 Non-Members
- 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Check in and networking opportunities
- 11:00 AM - 11:10 AM - Welcome, Announcements, Opening Remarks
- 11:10 AM - 11:20 AM - FPA Platinum Sponsor Spotlight: Protective Life Insurance
- 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM - Part I - Insurance Insiders: What most insurance agents don't want you to know!
- 12:10 PM - 12:50 PM - Lunch & Networking
- 12:50 PM - 1:00 PM - FPA Platinum Sponsor Spotlight: Avantax
- 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM - Part II - The Value in Real Estate Note Investing
CE Credits
2 CFP, 2 CPA, 2 CIMA & 1 TDI CE credits. You will be asked to sign in when you arrive in order to be eligible for credit. FPA DFW will report all credits to the CFP® Board & Sircon following the event within 7 business days.
Chapter Meeting Topics & Speakers
Part I - Insurance Insiders: What Most Insurance Agents Don't Want You to Know
Ben Rainey & Tom O'Brien, ChFC I WealthPoint

In our discussion, we aim to equip you to be the most effective “watchdog” for your clients when dealing with life insurance - whether helping them as they evaluate existing insurance or as they contemplate the purchase of new insurance. We’ll pull back the curtain on the industry and cover topics that you’ve likely never heard about but can make millions of dollars of difference in your clients’ outcomes.
Topics will include
- Various “red flags” to be aware of when dealing with life insurance products and agents
- Transparency in compensation
- Impact of Blending (reducing life insurance compensation)
- Institutional and “fee-only” products
- Proper product comparison and discussion of product assumptions
- Formal vs Informal Underwriting and what is critical to getting the best offer
- Policy Reviews and Market Studies: how frequently should these be done and what information should be included every time
While insurance can often be a dry subject even in the best of times, we’ll make this a lively and interactive discussion for all who attend. We hope you’ll join us!
Part II - The Value of Real Estate Note Investing
Mike Hanna, CPL I Investmark Mortgage / REI Capital Fund I

The first section will be a quick overview of myself, my background, and industry experience/expertise. This will be followed by an introduction to single-family real estate investing, the private lending space that supports it, and the definition and lifecycle of a hard money loan. The second section will explain real estate note investing, the benefits and risks, how you can offer value to your clients, along with the process and due diligence considerations. It will conclude with who are the right types of clients for this investment, followed by Q&A.