November 2021: Stat Bank

Journal of Financial Planning: November 2021


13.4…Percent of the U.S. population is Black. (U.S. Census)

13…Cents of wealth for Black investors for every $1 of wealth for white investors. (Two American Financial Plans)

16…Percent more funding for schools in districts that are predominantly white. (Two American Financial Plans)

59…Percent of a white worker’s salary is what the average Black worker makes. (Two American Financial Plans)

21–42…More basis points Black people pay on mortgage interest rates compared to white home buyers. (Two American Financial Plans)

47…Percent of Black households are under or unbanked.
(Two American Financial Plans)

42…Percent of minority-owned small business loan applications are denied. (Two American Financial Plans)

16…Percent of white-owned small business loan applications are denied. (Two American Financial Plans)

7…Times more retirement savings for White households than Black households. (Two American Financial Plans)

5.6…Percent of U.S. population identifies as LGBTQ+. (Morningstar)

8…Percent lower annual earnings for LGBTQ+ people compared to heterosexual people. (Morningstar)

41…Percent of LGTBQ+ people say they are struggling to make ends meet compared to 27 percent of the entire U.S. population. (Morningstar)

21.6…Percent poverty rate for LGBTQ+ people.

29…Percent of LGBTQ+ people work with a financial adviser compared to 39 percent of the entire U.S. population. (Morningstar)

49.8…Percent of LGTBQ+ people own their own house compared to 70.1 percent of heterosexual people. (Morningstar)

2…Times more likely for a transgender person to be living in poverty compared to the entire U.S. population. (NerdWallet)

3…Times more likely for a transgender person to make less than $10,000 annually
compared to the entire U.S. population. (NerdWallet)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion