The 2020 FPA of San Diego Mentorship Program is live! Complete your application today and be a part of the growth and elasticity of the financial planning profession.

Our vision: To stimulate the participation, diversity, and professional growth of its members.

The FPA of San Diego seeks to foster the relationship building of members via the traditional mentoring process. Our program is derived on the the belief that mentoring relationships are necessary for the advancement and resilience of our relatively young profession.

Why is a mentorship so important?

We build professionally. Both the mentor and the mentee is likely to grow. For a mentorship to work, there has to be an open channel for communication. The sharing of knowledge and best practices grows the profession as a whole.

We deepen our understanding. The learning process continues within us all, forever. In teaching we reflect and deepen our understanding. Mentorships result in the enhancement of skills for both mentors and mentees.

We become more connected. This one goes without saying. As mentorship relationships are built our community is enriched and the breadth of knowledge develops with it. Involved members benefit full circle!  

To learn more about this mentoring program, please read the Mentoring Quick Guide at this link and the Mentoring Program Description at this link.

The FPA of San Diego mentoring program has the added benefit of allowing you to choose a mentor of the same gender.  We recognize that women in our industry can be great role models for the next generation of female financial professionals and we want to facilitate that option.

Click here to complete our Mentor Application
Click here to complete the Mentee Application
The application deadline is Friday, December 31st

The program runs through the calendar year, starting in January and ending in December.

Please direct any questions to