Volunteers Welcomed

Volunteers = A Successful Chapter!

As you know, with the exception of our Chapter Executive, the FPA of Michigan is made up of all volunteers (to fill both our board and committees). The FPA of Michigan Committees play an important part in both the success of our Chapter and serving the needs of our members.

Are you a member of the FPA of Michigan who wants to take your influence and authority to the next level? In short, positively impact your industry and your career? It takes nothing more than a small investment of your attention and an openness to share your ideas and expertise to make your mark on the cause we all share so passionately – helping our clients here in Michigan.

Our members say volunteering is not just a great way to network, but an incredible career-booster. It’s a talking point for how willing you are to go the extra mile in providing innovative financial planning and financial services for all.

All Committees are lead by a board-appointed chair and we look for our members to fill the role of committee member. Please take a minute to review the goals of the FPA of Michigan committees below. If you are interested in learning more about serving on a Committee, please click here.

Advocacy Committee

Nick Nauta, CFP®, CLU®
Advocacy Committee Chair

The Advocacy Committee tracks legislative and regulatory issues and other developments relevant to financial planners. We work on developing and maintaining a relationship with legislators and regulators through our advocacy efforts. We look to highlight the steps all financial planners need to address in order for financial planning to be recognized as a profession.

Career Development Committee

Nathan Zolynsky, CFP®
Career Development Committee Chair

The Career Development Committee is dedicated to supporting the FPA in its efforts to build a strong professional community, especially through both students and those new to the profession.

Education Committee

Beth Zilka
Education Committee Chair

With the interest of the membership in mind, the Education Committee ensures our education events have a strong educational basis as well as engaging, non-soliciting speakers. By polling the members on topic, speakers, and location, we attempt to identify their wants and needs in an effort to maximize membership attendance.

Membership Committee

Julie Hall, CFP®, CFT-I, MSF
Membership Committee Chair

The Membership Committee's goal is to have the FPA of Michigan members realize and experience the values of being a member of FPA. Enhance FPA of Michigan's membership value, understand and respond to member needs by providing extraordinary benefits and activities, and the connections that enhance their practice and service to their clients.

NexGen Committee

Colin Overweg, CFP®
Anna-Maria Astor
NexGen Committee Co-Chairs

The NexGen Committee creates opportunities for growth, education and networking for non-member students and FPA Michigan members who are aspiring or early-career CFP® professionals, promoting the vision and mission of both the national FPA NexGen group and the FPA of Michigan chapter. The NexGen committee works to uphold and grow the community of NexGen within FPA Michigan membership with inspiration, encouragement and support for members of FPA.

Partnership Committee

Bob Ingram, II, CFP®
Del Wensley
Partnership Committee Co-Chairs

The Partnership Committee strives to inform partners and potential partners about the benefits of FPA of Michigan, and to nurture mutually-beneficial relationships between FPA and its partners. It is the Partnership Committee’s objective to encourage partners to be involved with the FPA community and to take advantage of their various benefits in order to maximize their partnership dollars and retain their partnership commitment. Happy Partners = Healthy Chapter.

Pro Bono Committee

Sandra Adams, CFP®
Pro Bono Committee Chair

The Pro Bono Committee knows that making wise financial decisions aligned with one’s values is a defining part of a fulfilling life. We believe that the most effective way to advance the practice and profession of financial planning is to share its power with those in need in our community, and that in doing so we GROW as much as we GIVE. This is why we actively work to build relationships connecting members of underserved communities with opportunities to engage in pro bono financial planning engagements with the members of the FPA of Michigan.

Public Relations Committee

Public Relations Committee Chair

The Public Relations committee is dedicated to communicating the value of the FPA of Michigan and financial planning to the public, media, and financial planning community.

Symposium Committee

Beth Zilka
Symposium Committee Chair

We will help fulfill the FPA of Michigan's mission by creating an event that provides educational enrichment and networking opportunities, and assists members in achieving professional growth and personal fulfillment.

Women & Finance Knowledge Circle Committee

Sandra Kerr, CFP®, AIF®
Women & Finance Knowledge Circle Committee Chair

The FPA of Michigan Women & Finance Knowledge Circle Committee focuses on helping women in financial planning advance their careers through mentoring, networking, social gathering, and the opportunity to meet and learn from like-minded professionals.