SGH Wealth Management
Lathrup Village, Michigan

Contact:  Sam Huszczo
Telephone:  (248)731-0029
Please indicate which city and state the potential job is located:  Lathrup Village, MI
Please indicate which describes your affiliation:  RIA
Please provide a brief description of your Company:  As a fiduciary firm, SGH Wealth Management’s focus is exclusively on our clients and their success. All of our experience, expertise, and insight has one purpose: to work for the best interests of our clients. Unlike typical brokers and financial advisors who often sell products that exist for the firm’s profits, all our advice and products are independent and we collect no commissions.
Please provide a brief description of what you are looking for in your possible hire:  A career path towards becoming a Financial Planner/Advisor. In our team-based approach, this position will start as a non-advice-related support to Lead Financial Planners/Advisors and on a short track to leading client facing meetings. This individual must have strong communication skills. They must be reliable, organized, good at documentation and deadline driven. Responsibilities include appointment scheduling, paperwork, data gathering, retirement plan case design, preparing client reports.
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