Fidelity Investments
Novi, Michigan and various locations across the United States

Contact:  Robert Orosz
Telephone:  (248) 347-1939, Ext 54538
Please indicate which city and state the potential job position is located:  Novi, Michigan and various locations across the United States
Please indicate which describes your affiliation:  Broker Dealer
If licensed with a broker dealer, please indicate which one:  FBS LLC
Please provide a brief description of your Company: Fidelity Investments Inc., commonly referred to as Fidelity, is a privately-owned American multinational financial services corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts. We are the largest workplace investing provider in the United States, and also provide personal financial services.
Please provide a brief description of what you are looking for in your possible hire:  We're looking for highly-motivated and self-driven individuals who are passionate about helping people, and working with them every day, in a face to face, fast-paced environment.
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