Advanced Wealth Strategies
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Contact:  Aleia MacDonnald
Telephone:  (734) 888-4305
Please indicate which city and state the potential job position is located:  Ann Arbor, Michigan
Please indicate which describes your affiliation:  Dually Registered
If licensed with a broker dealer, please indicate which one: Geneos Wealth Management
Please provide a brief description of your Company: Whether clients need help in one area or require a holistic financial plan, our services are tailored around the client's specific goals and objectives. As circumstances change, we adapt their plan to help ensure they stay on track for their goals. Because we are independent, we are able to search the market to find products and providers that are appropriate for our clients.
Please provide a brief description of what you are looking for in your possible hire: We are looking for an intern for summer of 2022. This position would hopefully lead in to a part-time and/or full-time position if it is a good fit for both of us.
Please provide the Zoom Link: 
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Meeting ID: 880 8675 5289
Passcode: 902353