Dear FPA Members,

The Department of Defense Student Financial Literacy Act (H.R. 4118) is an important piece of legislation that would require all students enrolled in Department of Defense schools (i.e. children whose parents have a connection to the military) to earn a ½ credit in financial literacy education in order to graduate.  

As one of its core policy issues, FPA® recognizes that financial literacy is a vital component of helping Americans live healthy financial lives, and that improving financial literacy education in the United States is a particularly important goal. FPA® encourages schools to teach the basic components of personal financial management to help with vital financial functions such as understanding credit, savings, loans, home and rent responsibilities and how to manage debt responsibly.

Similar legislation has already been passed in 23 states and Department of Defense schools should follow suit! This bipartisan legislation has increasingly strong support at the Capitol, but we need YOUR voice to encourage more legislators to co-sponsor H.R. 4118 in order to keep the bill moving this session. Please send your Member of Congress an email asking them to co-sponsor these bills or thanking them if they're already co-sponsoring! 

Click "Take Action" below and provide your home address to identify your U.S. Representative, whether they've already co-sponsored the bill, and review/customize the message you want to send to their office!