8:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Opening Keynote
Helping Advisors Reimagine Retirement Planning
Presenter: Robert Powell, CFP®, RMA® I Editor & Publisher I Retirement Daily on TheStreet

In this session, Powell will offer an in-depth analysis of how to evaluate both the financial and emotional readiness of clients for retirement. He will delve into the practical applications of the lifecycle hypothesis, illustrating its role in alleviating client concerns about expenditure during their retirement years. Furthermore, Powell will introduce the concept of key retirement planning decisions, emphasizing the significance of strategic choices that impact the overall success of a retirement plan. Emphasizing the myriad of retirement risks such as longevity, inflation, healthcare expenses, and market fluctuations, Powell will present effective strategies for managing and reducing these risks. He will also explore a range of retirement income strategies, detailing how they can be employed to establish a reliable income stream post-retirement. A key focus will be on the significance of a Retirement Policy Statement in a retirement income plan, highlighting how it aids clients in staying committed to their long-term goals. Finally, Powell will emphasize the critical need for an Elder Plan, encompassing preparations for unpaid caregiving and potential long-term care requirements, underscoring the comprehensive approach needed for a successful retirement plan.
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM: Networking break with sponsors
9:45 AM - 10:35 AM: Breakout sessions
I. Special Needs Trusts: Planning for Families with Special Needs Children
Presenter: Tresi Weeks, J.D., CAP® I Attorney &-Founder I The Weeks Law Firm, PLLC

This session is designed for professionals who may work with families with children or grandchildren with disabilities. Our goal is to ensure the child's financial well-being and eligibility for government benefits, in order to optimize the stability and the lifetime quality of life of the child. This session covers crucial topics such as the basics of government benefits and eligibility requirements, the magic power of special needs trusts (SNTs), and the types of SNTs and when to use each. You will learn how to minimize taxes and maximize tax-deferred growth of inherited IRAs under the SECURE Act by naming an SNT as a beneficiary, as well as how to avoid traditional tax planning pitfalls when a beneficiary is disabled. We will explore the best use of ABLE Accounts, and how to leave Military Survivor Benefit Plans to an SNT. You will understand when we can to go to court after a grantor or testator has died in order to have a will or trust modified to create an SNT, avoiding the loss of SSI/Medicaid. Lastly, participants will gain valuable insight into how to work as a team with your client’s other professionals in order to create the best possible future for the client’s child with special needs.
II. Financial Planning for Newly Widowed Clients
Presenter: Chris Bentley, CFP®, CRPC®, CLU, BFA, MBA I Founder & CEO I Wings for Widows

Eventually, most financial advisors work with clients who have lost a spouse. While sympathetic to this transition, it's still pretty much "business as usual." What is it clients need during this challenging and stressful time from their advisors? They can't tell their advisor, because they don't know. This means advisors must know. Financial planning with newly widowed clients requires a deeper understanding of what matters to widowed people and a new set of optics to better serve - and retain - widowed clients. This session provides the framework that advisors must understand to best serve their newly widowed clients.
III. Planned Giving: Fun with Taxes & Probate
Presenters: Jennifer Lehman, Ph.D., J.D., CFP®, CAP® I Program Dir., Wallace Chair, & Asst. Professor I The American College of Financial Services
This presentation will first give an overview of the probate process, its challenges as well as benefits, and why it's advantageous to avoid it. It then goes through the pros and cons of giving to individuals during life versus at death. Next is a discussion of charitable gifts having immediate impact compared to gifts taking effect after one's passing. This includes Secure Act 2.0 updates as they relate to QCDs. There is an explanation and illustration of gifts that generate income for the donor. Finally, there's an overview of how estate taxes work, and an example of how charitable bequests can significantly reduce the estate tax liability.
10:35 AM - 10:50 AM: Networking break with sponsors
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM: Breakout sessions
I. Advanced Education Planning: From 529 Plans to Student Loan Forgiveness
Presenter: Ross Riskin, DBA, CPA/PFS, CCFC®, MS Tax I Chief Learning Officer I Investments & Wealth Institute

Due to the rising costs of higher education and all-time high student loan debt levels, clients from all generations are relying more than ever on advisors to help them navigate the financial complexities associated with the college funding, financial aid, and student loan planning processes. This session will take a deeper dive into the many facets involved in the education planning process and will focus on the tax consequences that arise at almost every stage. From identifying the tax benefits available to individuals and families who are currently saving for college to implementing a distribution strategy for those who are currently paying for qualifying education expenses. This session will also address how tax planning can impact student loan repayment strategies under the various income-driven repayment plans and will discuss the financial and tax implications associated with student loan forgiveness from both federal and state income tax perspectives. In this presentation, Dr. Riskin will share creative education planning strategies you can use with different types of clients across the income and wealth spectrum. In addition, Ross will also cover relevant changes from recently passed and proposed legislation and identify trends so you can stay ahead of the curve for your clients.
II. Life Insurance 101: Case Studies on Product, Policy Service & Best Practices
1 CE: CFP, CPA, CIMA, NAPFA, TDI (Insurance)
Presenters: Anne Jones & Bianca Admire, CFP® I Artemis Partners

Artemis Partners discusses types of life insurance ranging from term insurance to more complex products such as Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI). Through a case study on an in force policy, Artemis highlights the importance of post issue policy service. Ongoing monitoring and administration of in force policy portfolios is crucial to long term policy performance. The presentation will touch on life insurance best practices and provide takeaways on how to identify insurance needs and determine a policy's health.
III. Find Your Niche: Define & Differentiate to Compete in a Highly Competitive Environment
Practice Management (does not qualify for CE)
Presenter: Arlene Moss I Executive Business Coach I XY Planning Network

Discover how to serve a new generation of consumers efficiently and profitably by defining your ideal client and specializing in serving their needs. If you were diagnosed with a rare disease, would you go to the general practitioner in town? Or would you find a doctor that specializes in cases like yours? The next generation of clients are seeking advisors who offer specialized services that reflect their unique needs, and delivering deep value takes a targeted approach.
In this session you will learn:
- The value of a clearly established niche market
- How to define your ideal client and discover their unique needs
- How to incorporate a niche into a traditional firm to reach clients increasingly seeking specialized services that reflect their unique needs.
- Ways to leverage a niche to grow a firm and deliver value more efficiently, through stories of financial advisors who successfully serve a niche market
11:40 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch & FPA State of the Chapter I Diamond Partner Spotlight

12:15 PM - 1:05 PM: Keynote
Keynote: 5 Keys for Investment Success in 2024 and Beyond
Presenter: Peter Perkins I Partner & Global Investment Strategist I MRB Partners

This presentation will highlight several key factors that will shape investment performance in the years ahead and are generally underappreciated. Many investors still rely on a 2010s framework for current investment strategy, despite markedly different fundamental economic and capital market conditions. Notably, interest rates will not revert to the low levels prior to the pandemic, but instead will stay higher for longer, reflecting greater inflation risk and public-sector borrowing. Moreover, several tailwinds that have boosted U.S. equity returns in recent years (and decades) have passed, which will constrain gains in the future. Partly as a result, investors should increase their focus outside the U.S. where equality value is comparatively attractive, and the earnings outlook is poised to improve. Lower returns on traditional portfolios have pushed many investors into alterative assets including private equity and debt, but the conventional 60/40 portfolio is still relevant for long-term wealth creation.
1:05 PM - 1:20 PM: Networking break with sponsors
1:20 PM - 2:10 PM: Breakout sessions
I. Nothing is Ever What it Seems: An Overview of Disregarded Entities
Presenter: Jana Simons, J.D., LL.M., CFP® I Associate I Meadows, Collier, Reed, Cousins, Crouch & Ungerman, LLP

This presentation outlines and details disregarded entities including business entities and trusts. We will begin by discussing the definition of a disregarded entity, when is an entity regarded or disregarded, and the common types of disregarded entities. Globally, the presentation will explain the tax and non-tax considerations of disregarded entities. With respect to disregarded business entities, the speaker will cover contrast various state law entity types such as LLCs, partnerships, corporations, and how each can be treated for income tax purposes. Important to the analysis are default classifications, elections, qualifications, owner liabilities, and treatment of disregarded entities owned by husband and/or wife in community property jurisdictions. The presentation will also address grantor trusts, including the definition and how a trust qualifies as a grantor trust, and the applicable tax rules triggering and governing grantor trust status. The speaker will explain how to identify the owner of trust property for income tax purposes and the benefits and consequences of trusts being disregarded for income tax purposes. In addition, we will discuss the need for grantor trust tax ID numbers and the various reporting requirements. Disregarded entity formation, filing, and election matters can have a significant impact on clients' planning so, thoughtful understanding and consideration of the available options is critical.
II. Tax Strategies & Implementation for Financial Planners
Presenter: John Langston, CPA I Tax Partner I Saville CPA's & Advisors, LLC
Have you ever discussed a tax planning strategy with a client's CPA and come away more confused than you started? Or perhaps stared at the abys that is a federal tax return form? This course will unravel some of the mystery behind tax planning and preparation. Covered in an understandable way, we will discuss basic tax strategies for entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals. We will cover current tax regulations, likely changes for the future, and most importantly planning that can be done today. After gaining an understanding of relevant topics we will dive into passthrough and individual income tax return forms. Covering both closely held businesses and family partnerships to review areas that are relevant for financial planners to understand. Finally, we will show how these items of income and deduction are reported on individual income tax returns, specifically areas where the financial planner can be a valuable resource to their client.
III. Protecting One of Your Client's Greatest Assets - Their Income

1 CE: CFP, CPA, CIMA, NAPFA, TDI (Insurance)
Presenter: Jason Loveless I Principal I JCL Solutions Group, LLC
Few people have taken the steps necessary to protect the foundation of their financial future by protecting the biggest and most important asset they have…. their ability to earn an income. A long-term illness or injury would be financially devastating, yet less than 15% of us have disability insurance to protect our incomes! If you have it, congratulate yourself. If you are among the 85% of individuals that have not taken the steps to protect your income read on; you might thank yourself years from now. In this session, we will review the general landscape of the disability marketplace, who ideal candidates for disability coverage are, and how to structure disability income insurance solutions around protecting one of your client's greatest assets - their income.
2:10 PM - 2:25 PM: Networking break with sponsors
2:25 PM - 3:15 PM: Breakout sessions
I. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Wealth Management & Financial Planning
Presenter: Craig Lemoine I University of Illinois & Professor of Financial Planning
The University of Illinois hosted a survey class on AI in Wealth Management and Financial Planning last year. Our class saw twenty experts talking about AI, tools, behavior, psychology and philosophy. The class changed my understanding of AI and Fintech tools. We will dive into what we are calling AI, what AI can do, the power of machine learning and changes to the world around us. Our conversation will conclude diving into the compression of the financial planning process, importance of economic assumptions and how AI challenges might change onboarding and fiduciary landscapes.
II. Elder Care & Long-Term Care Planning
1 CE: CFP, CPA, CIMA, NAPFA, TDI (Insurance)
Presenter: Erin W. Peirce I Attorney & Partner I Leu, Peirce & Olson

An overview of Elder Law and the areas of law it covers, including, estate planning and probate, long-term care planning, public benefits eligibility and elder exploitation and abuse resulting in guardianships and contested probate proceedings. The presentation will include a view and analysis of long-term care planning and public benefits qualification and eligibility for Medicaid and Veteran's benefits. It will provide a detailed analysis of Non-Service Connected Disability Pension Benefits, commonly known as Aid & Attendance, for eligible Veteran's and their surviving spouses and planning tips for long-term care. It will also explore issues related to elder exploitation and abuse, when and how powers of attorney may fail and issue spotting for guardianships.
III. Big Ideas: Technological Break Throughs
Presenter: Jack Stock, CIMA® I VP, Product Specialist ARK Invest I Resolute Investment Managers

Innovation is imperative to long-term growth. Despite its potential, innovation can take longer for the mass market to adopt. Perception is key and investors should focus on promising areas of disruptive innovation, including those missed or underrepresented by traditional investment styles. According to ARK Invest Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer Catherine D. Wood,
“Disruptive innovation is not priced correctly by traditional investment strategies because people don’t understand how big the ultimate opportunities will be. They aren’t sizing the opportunity or
analyzing the disruption.” This program will discuss technological convergence and 12 critical technologies in the disruptive innovation categories comprising the major innovation platforms, how they may lead to growth, and how to capitalize on those opportunities.
3:15 PM - 3:25 PM: Networking break with sponsors
3:25 PM - 3:35 PM: Door prize drawings & giveaways
We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in the 2024 FPA DFW Conference. We hope you enjoyed the conference and had a great time. Our Corporate Partners have generously provided door prizes for the conference attendees, and we are pleased to announce the winners of the door prizes. Congratulations to all the winners! We will also be announcing the Grand Prize (provided by FPA DFW) winner at this time as well.. We hope you enjoyed your prizes and had a great time at the conference. Thank you again to our Corporate Partners for their support and commitment to providing door prizes. We look forward to seeing you all at the next FPA DFW Conference.
3:35 PM - 5:00 PM: Closing keynote
Age, Fear & Uncertainty: How the Client Mindset is Changing the Client Experience
Presenter: Julie Littlechild - Founder & CEO I Absolute Engagement

Successful advisors prioritize the client experience. But evolving expectations, goals, concerns, and aspirations pose a challenge and an opportunity. How can you deliver an experience that responds to needs that are personal, fluid and often different within couples? How can you ‘aim higher’ to think beyond ‘mere satisfaction’ and drive ‘profound engagement’? Find out what recent high-net-worth client research reveals about how the uncertainty of the past few years has affected client engagement and tactics to help you respond. Takeaways from the closing session to include: Creating a common definition of engagement; Understanding the path from satisfaction to engagement; Understanding how client expectations, needs and concerns have changed; and Understanding how client mindset impacts the client experience you deliver in the future.
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Post conference reception with FPA Partners & Sponsors
We invite you to join your FPA colleagues in the exhibit hall for a networking mixer with our Corporate Partners, powered by Arbor Digital and OnRamp Invest. We are grateful for the generous support from our Partners, which makes this event possible and helps us achieve our mission. This is a great opportunity to foster conversation and make lasting connections with other professionals in the industry. Don't miss out on this chance to expand your network and build valuable relationships. See you there!